Koç University Undergraduate Psychology Journal

Open Positions

Associate Editor

Reviewer and editor for academic content.

Social Media Manager

Manager for social media accounts and publicity of the journal.

Criteria for Applicants:

Must be a Koç University undergraduate student.

Must have completed (or be enrolled in) PSYC 301: "Research Design and Inferential Statistics" (for associate editor position)

Must not have an expected date of graduation earlier than Spring 2023.

Applicant Training Process:

Applicants are expected to go through a training process, through the preparation of a selected issue.

As part of their training, applicants will be given a sample paper to review, in which they will be asked to make a summary of the paper, criticize its weak and strong aspects, suggest ideas for future research, and explain how it contributes to the literature.

Submit your application to psychologyjournal@ku.edu.tr